Urs Leodolter - LEOMOTION & World Champion F5B 2000/2002
Being part of this successful idea of a reliable online calculator
makes me proud. I gave Markus the input two decade ago to start his
work with eCalc. Today I'm using it for all RC setups for me and for the customers.
The results in real rc planes do match just perfect!
The best address on the web (aside
Leomotion.com) to get your
guessed drive values answered!
Urs Leodolter, CEO LeomotionDrives.com - World Champion F5B 2000/2002,
European Champion F5B 1995/1999
Rainer Hacker, Hacker Motor GmbH
This new web interface provides fast and
accurate drive confgurations for your r/c model. eCalc supports all
Hacker propulsion systems. But also user-defned entries are
supported. The input via pull-down menus is very user-friendly
and clearly designed. Best is to try it out right away. In
seconds the system will lead you to an appropriate selection
and at the same time calculate the electrical parameters.
Mit diesem neuen Webinterface finden Sie schnell und präzi-se eine
optimale Antriebskonfguration für Ihr Modell. eCalc unterstützt
sämtliche Hacker-Antriebssysteme. Aber auch benutzerdefnierte
Eingaben sind möglich. Dabei ist die Eingabe über Pulldown-Menüs
besonders anwenderfreund-lich und übersichtlich gestaltet. Probieren
Sie es am besten gleich einmal aus. Sekundenschnell und kinderleicht
führt Sie das System zu einer für Sie passenden Auswahl und
errechnet auch gleich noch die elektrischen Parameter.
Rainer Hacker, CEO Hacker Motor GmbH
Bob Parks about cgCalc - aeronautic chef designer
Markus, Yes, I am being fussy about this! And I very deliberately picked a very difficult case (canard/tandemwing) to test your calculator! For relatively normal airplanes, you already have what I think is
BY FAR the best thing I have seen on the internet. I will certainly refer people to it.
Bob Parks was chief designer for the Chicken Whisperers team for Red Bull FlugTag Long Beach 2013
F5B and F5D Swiss National Team
F5B and F5D planes have to perform not only at the highest power level but also with the highest possible efficiency. Any energy wasted results in less useful power or reduced runtime.
eClac helps us to test new setups, motor/gear/propeller/battery configurations in a comprehensive way and explore «risky» configurations without danger.
Marco and Lucas Cantoni member of Swiss National Team F5B and F5D - using eCalc to design there competition setups
Dirk Klotter, MFI - Modellflug International
3/2019 - 2/4/19
Im MFI-Workshop stellt Daniel Klüh das Berechnungsprogramm eCalc
vor. Mit diesem Online-Tool lassen sich für eine kleine Gebühr
Antriebsempfehlungen ausgeben, als auch angedachte Setups berechnen
und gibt dem Piloten somit eine Möglichkeit zur Beurteilung seiner
Wunschkomponenten. Die Grundlage bildet unter anderem eine Datenbank
mit sage und schreibe weit über 9000 hinterlegten Motoren. Und
sollte sich der eigene Wunsch-Motor nicht in der Datenbank befinden, kann man die Daten auch manuell eintragen. Der Online-Rechner ist
damit ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug bei der Auswahl und Optimierung
der Antriebsauslegung.
Editorial MFI 3/2019
Drone Industrie Insight 2018 - 1/22/18
eCalc is selected by Drone Industrie Indight to be on the “Drone
Market Environment Map 2018“ . The map creates transparency for
an incredibly vivid and fast moving market.This represents eCalc's leading role in the
market as a
droneii.com provides the
"DMP 2018" to eCalc.
source: www.droneii.com
Bill F. - 11/11/2024
eCalc has been very helpful since switching to electric flight 2 years ago.
Michael - 10/23/2024
Invest in a subscription to an online electric flight simulation program... I use the basic "propCalc" program of ecalc.ch....the use of such a program will save you money on making the right buying decisions as well alert you to anticipated flight performance, overstressing the motor/esc, etc. ...
eCalc has a free demo program - with a limited library of motors/esc, etc. Such a program helps you to understand the relationship between different parts and electric drive
James C. - 9/15/2024
Amazing, thank you, great piece of software, has really helped with prop & motor selection.Thanks for all the hard work
James M. - 7/28/2024
Great support for a good product.
Mike T. - 7/1/2024
Thanks so much for your excellent support! We appreciate your speedy reply and access to your superb calculator software.
amilcarlucas - 15/12/2023
...for your application, you should use tools like eCalc for multirotor to find a suitable set of components to meet your needs.
M. Ławryńczuk - 4/30/2023
The eCalc tool helped us find the best electric propulsion setup for the Elka1Q drone
Wally S. - 6/30/2022
This program [cgCalc] will represent, in my current opinion, the most scientifically accurate CG locator available to modelers.”
Jeff H. - 3/29/2022
your tool rocks!
Mark L. - 9/15/2021
I just ran a sim for an old foamie I'm converting for floatplane use. Uses an APC "E" Prop and a Turnigy sk3 3536 motor. The calculated current, RPM and thrust were within 5% of measured values. I love you guys!
Helmut R. - 2/10/2020
Danke für deine großartige Seite, die für EV Fahrer keine Fragen offen läßt..
scirocco, RC Groups - 1/3/2020
When recommending ECalc I compare the subscription to a single wrong prop purchase per year.
Ralf Greiser - 1/17/19
Euer eCalc ist nach wie vor konkurrenzlos gut!
Andrew Ross - 2/12/18
Thanks so much Markus, I can't wait to try the new version! You must be the most responsive software service developer ever :)
u2builder - 22/11/18
Ecalc is a useful and accurate tool for exploring motor, prop, battery, options as they effect speed, and efficiency (flight times).
CapnBry - 24/9/18
I love propCalc! It was instrumental in me learning how motor sizes, prop sizes, battery Size, thrust, and speed all interact with each other. Totally worth the incredibly modest subscription fee, thank you for creating it.
Fred Hartnett - 10/7/17
thanks again for providing this great tool. It’s so much better than field trial and error.
Stuart Cummings - 10/6/18
Thanks. What a great site - a friend recommended it just today. Love it already...
Fred Hartnett - 10/7/17
thanks again for providing this great tool. It’s so much better than field trial and error.
Mike Smith - 7/5/17
Thanks, great - makes my life way easier!
Keith (Kman24) - 3/3/17
I www.ecalc.ch all my power systems first and it has never failed me. I may have to fine tune something a bit afterwards, but it is so handy for "figuring out" power systems before buying anything. It saves me lots of money over time
Andrew Ross - 1/22/17
...and thanks for maintaining eCalc - it's an excellent resource.
Jeff Bean - 12/6/17
cgCalc: The ability to see the shape of your wing and stabilizer planform is very cool. It helps catch errors in measurement or input.
Bob Parks - 11/29/16
I am really glad that you are doing this [cgCalc]. It has always
bothered me about all the "how to find the CG" methods in magazines
and online, most of which are OK for some airplane that is a totally
standard aft tail airplane with TVC the same as everything else and
a small fuselage... but fail horribly as soon as you do something
even the least bit different.
You already have something way
better than anything else I have seen online.
Rex - 11/23/16
That is so cool. What a time to be a modeler! We can get with 5% of what basically unlimited money and the smartest people in the world can do. For a buck. Thanks eCalc!
Douglas - 11/17/16
If you want flight time splruge for an account on ecalc.ch which is an awesome site and worth the paid subscription. Incredible resource. Prop pitch, diameter, make and blade number make a significant difference in flight time, and you could get the same performance with very different props but worse flight time with one of them because of poor efficiency, like not enough or too much pitch creating propeller stalling for static thrust. Using ecalc is a good alternative to spending time and money on a zillion props and watt and thrust measuring on that ground, unless that activity floats your boat.
Franz Leinauer - 08/03/16
Super Service, für mich das beste Programm für den ernsthaften E-Flieger.
Paul Naton - 05/31/16
As a producer of professional instructional videos for R/C glider
pilots, I use eCalc extensively to evaluate motor system
combinations to precisely match the performance requirements needed
for the projects and how-to building videos I make. Many of our
customers are coming from pure sailplanes into electrics, and they
have difficulty understanding the technology and power systems
required to make their e-gliders light yet still have fast climb
performance. eCalc has evolved into such a useful learning tool that
I now teach tutorials on how to use the program in my Electric
Sailplane training video series so pilots can learn on their own how
to optimize climb performance and efficiency. I highly recommend my
students spend an evening with eCalc experimenting with different
propellor and motor combinations so they can begin to understand how
important picking the right prop and motor size is in achieving the
needed performance without over-stressing the components.
Paul Naton,
Radio Carbon Art Productions,
Training Videos
for The R/C Glider Pilot
D. Russ - 05/25/16
Done the eCalc thing and it's a brilliant program...well worth the tiny price.
Arial Adventure Blog - 20/09/16
Very popular calculator tool for estimating electric power systems, exceptionally useful.
Andrew Ross - 05/09/16
Thanks for a very useful tool. As an electronic engineer I
appreciate the effort it must have taken to create such a useful
tool and to maintain such a comprehensive database of component
Paul Holterhaus - 05/06/16
Just to let you know, your eCalc chart is one of the all time most
usefull tools I have ever found. Totally wonderful for comparing
Motors/Props. I use it very often and can not even imagine not
having it.
Bob Hunt - 12/24/15
All my planes are electric, now, and I have to give a lot of credit to Markus Meuller's «eCalc» for helping me select the right motor/prop/battery/esc combinations.
Jonathan Smith - 12/15/15
eCalc is a great tool for sizing up props and motor combinations.
Jeffrey T. Sandford - 10/27/15
This is the best tool for running setup F5J, Motor and Propeller
calculations out there. Markus has done a wonderful job making the
interface easy to use too...
John M. Glover - 8/31/15
Two things you probably would like to know- how much weight can it carry and how long can it fly? To figure this out there is an easy way and a hard way. To calculate the motor and prop matching and overall weight of the quadcopter; the easy way is to use the
eCalc.ch calculators to virtually build your whole system.
John M. Glover, Author of
Drone University
Joe Kwok - 8/15/15
As a professional modeler, I have to say that eCalc is the only simplistic and realistic helper out there on the internet!
Joe Kwok, Designer at Joe-Hanson Aircraft Co.
Phillip Schmidt - 6/12/15
eCalc.ch is your friend. Purchase a membership. Learn it, use it, love it.
... Read the instructions, you will learn a lot just from that.
Andriy Ivchenko - 5/28/15
THE place to avoid mistakes, learn and eventually save money! Brilliant web-app and brilliant customer support!
Will Render - 3/10/15
...loving the site!! I made so many mistakes with props. Your program really cleared this up...
Steve Croft - 12/13/14
It has saved me having to go the Hard way with Real motors, Props and batteries etc. eCalc takes away the expensive guess work..
Adam Butler - 12/13/14
Thank you for helping me setup my 2 big electric projects, A 100" Mosquito Bomber with 2 x AXI Brushless swinging 19x10 3 blade props on 10 lithium cells each and an 84" Spitfire again with an AXI brushless turning a 20 x 10 4 blade prop. Without ecalc it would have been buy lots of props and try them all, with the ecalc estimates I am very happy with my first prop purchases for both models.
Walter Söhner - 9/12/14
My top Flite giant P-47, also calculated by eCalc. The first flight was not easy because of a tail heavy model an one battery pack get weak during flight. After changing the 12S 5000 to 12S 8000 the airplane flies perfect endless power..... I also change the speakers of the sound system again, it`s not nice if the Escape sound ist more loud as the engine sound.
Steve Croft - 11/13/14
Having only just got eCalc for quads, I was pleased that I could find combinations that would give the most efficient flight characteristics and flight times. Absolutely an essential program for multi-rotor fpv pilots.