Date |
Version |
Description |
07.10.24 |
1.02 |
wbCalc: Calculation to
correct CG by battery movement or adding trim weight rectified
27.06.24 |
7.31 |
- torqueCalc:
considering temperature influence to the magnets (KV). Graph for
Tmperature Propagation added
- propCalc:
Thermal Propagation Graph added
- fanCalc:
Thermal Propagation and Graph added
12.05.24 |
- |
400 millions drive simulations and counting... |
09.02.24 |
5.24 |
evCalc: Topography API
provider changed
18.01.24 |
7.30 |
general: Motor Search bug for similar motor typ names corrected
Motor thermal curve at max throttle to get an idea how fast the
temperature propagetes in the motor.
Take-off Distance calculation
Flight Mission for Long Distance added
Bug for misdrawing of gauges after several calculations
25.06.23 |
-- |
more than 13 million visits since february 2010!
We are proud to welcome the 13th-millionst visit since counting
back in february 2010. Our community is constantly crowing....
Thanks to all for supporting
16.06.23 |
7.29 |
- general: note regarding discontinued motors added
- propCalc:
indication of esimated maximum achievable climb angle.
09.05.23 |
7.28 |
indication of Climb Capacitiy for better comparison between
different glider setups. Climb Capacity is the theoretical total
height you may climb with one battery at full thrust considering
the specified percentage of the battery discharge.
09.05.23 |
7.28 |
indication of Climb Capacitiy for better comparison between
different glider setups. Climb Capacity is the theoretical total
height you may climb with one battery at full thrust considering
the specified percentage of the battery discharge.
25.03.23 |
7.27 |
improved warnings for ESC limits (over peak, impuls operation
only or risk of overheat in partial load operation).
25.03.23 |
7.27 |
improved warnings for ESC limits (over peak, impuls operation
only or risk of overheat in partial load operation).
09.03.23 |
3.11.0 |
indication of Sweep @ MAC
1.13 |
wing area normalized Cd added. This value might be used in
propCalc as specific drag coefficient.
08.02.23 |
3.10.2 |
cgCalc: Bugfix
regarding wrong Taill Efficiency selection for bi-plane from deep
28.11.22 |
- |
300 millions drive simulations and counting... |
17.11.22 |
- |
eCalc (all simulation
tools): pushing parametrized URL to browser history at every
calculation (in function validateNumbers())
19.10.22 |
3.10.1 |
cgCalc: Bugfix to
eliminate error message for Delta/Flying Wing with (unused)
stabilizer values all set to zero
01.06.22 |
3.10.0 |
cgCalc: considering
Simon's estimate for change of downwash angle (iso fix 0.4), custom
Tail Efficitivness, Canard optimized, drawing scale optimized.
17.06.22 |
7.26 |
- Gauge: Misdrawing after lot of calculations corrected
(gauge.update(specificOptions) missing)
- propCalc,
Propeller Constant Pconst dynamic calculation for generic props.
- propCalc: Hand
launch message fixed for multi-engine.
- setupFinder:
Motor Weight Maximum can be entered relative to AUW - as used to
be - or absulut in g or oz
- general: central release definition
- one session per user allowed only - user will be
automatically logged out after less than 30s when a new session
opend with same login to prevent misuse by multi
concurrent users.
1.12 |
perfCalc: service
3.00 |
considering normal fuselage designs, membership required
1.01 |
wbCalc: service update
5.22 |
evCalc: service update
04.06.22 |
7.25.1xx |
heliCalc: bug in
constant rpm hover current corrected.
25.05.22 |
-- |
more than 12 million visits since february 2010!
We are proud to welcome the 12th-millionst visit since counting
back in february 2010. Our community is constantly crowing....
Thanks to all for supporting
17.05.22 |
-- |
SiteLok 6.4 installed
12.02.22 |
5.21.1xx |
OpenChargeMap Charge Station retrival updated to API 3.0 for USA |
04.11.21 |
2.00 |
cgCalc 2.0: all
new center of gravitiy calculation for Bi-Plane |
18.10.21 |
1.40 |
1.40: - Drive
Drain Efficiency added - "How many km/mi you can drive on 1kWh of
Battery Capacitiy"
05.09.21 |
1.01 |
Version 1.11 - Gauge Scale of Vertical Speed corrected |
31.8.21 |
1.19 |
- cgCalc:
Usage of T-Tail clarified
11.07.21 |
1.01 |
Version 1.1 - multimotor capable now |
10.07.21 |
-- |
1 Mio calculations |
05.08.21 |
-- |
SiteLok 6.2 installed
11.07.21 |
1.01 |
Version 1.01 - english unit translation corrected, Bug fix for
AC Class evaluation |
12.05.21 |
1.00 |
w&bCalc 1.0:
all new
Weight and Balance Calculation to evaluate actual CG and CG
correction |
12.04.21 |
7.25 |
- propCalc,
ESC timing can be changed, Drag based on Wingspan as reference
- perfCalc:
Version 1.0 - indroduction of the inflight performance analysis
03.04.21 |
1.18 |
- cgCalc:
Bug fix regarding negative sweep
25.03.21 |
1.17 |
- cgCalc:
Error message if input field empty
01.03.21 |
- |
250 millions drive calculations |
28.02.21 |
7.21 |
Blocking of Safari Browser at login solved
14.01.21 |
-- |
SiteLok 6.0 installed
10.12.20 |
1.16 |
- cgCalc:
autosave of the form fields added
26.11.20 |
-- |
more than 10 million visits since february 2010!
We are proud to welcome the 10th-millionst visit since counting
back in february 2010. Our community is constantly crowing....
Thanks to all for supporting
23.11.20 |
1.30 |
- chargeIndex:
new detail view and core efficiency
18.11.18 |
1.15 |
25.09.20 |
- |
150 millions drive calculations |
27.08.20 |
5.21 |
- evCalc:
address entry modified.
24.08.20 |
1.00 |
- chargeIndex:
first release
29.06.20 |
2.04 |
- chargeCalc:
recharged kwh/km inserted to graph
24.06.20 |
5.20 |
- evCalc:
actual wind and temperature information will be considered along
your route, elevation evaluation problem for long leg corrected
23.05.20 |
5.11 |
- evCalc:
accounting for high tailwind improved, image
source for EV overwiev inserted
13.05.20 |
7.20 |
- new Quick Gauge Plug-in - works in China too
- xcopterCalc:
Range estimate in the result column
- heliCalc:
Motot@Maximum calculation for constant headspeed (iso max.
13.05.20 |
5.10 |
- new Quick Gauge Plug-in - works in China too
- evCalc:
Using routing machine of MapBox, GrasHoppers and TomTom,
charge time updated in the graph considering
lower chargerrates in low/high SoC range
13.05.20 |
2.03 |
- chargeCalc:
Service Update
06.05.20 |
-- |
- all products updated to new Google API - Google resource is
quite instable on Chrome and Safari
25.02.20 |
2.02 |
- chargeCalc 2.02:
improved charging model
23.02.20 |
2.01 |
- chargeCalc 2.01:
updated with "efficient charge range"
21.01.20 |
--- |
more than 9 million visits since february 2010!
We are proud to welcome the 9th-millionst visit since counting
back in february 2010. Our community is constantly crowing....
Thanks to all for supporting
eCalc. |
16.01.20 |
5.01 |
- evCalc:
Adress search simplyfied & improved for "Location or next Waypoint".
14.12.19 |
5.00 |
- evCalc:
Calculation on map based speed sheddule along the route plotting
a graph with consumption, state-of-charge and detailed recharge
information. Simulation of a car towing a trailer. Routing
marker improved for better recognition of start (triangle) and
finish (flag) marker.
14.12.19 |
7.17 |
06.11.19 |
-- |
- eCalc: 100 mio
electric drives calculatet so far - thanks for this incredibale
30.10.19 |
-- |
- evCalc: 6 mio
EV trip calculations
23.09.19 |
2.01 |
- chargeCalc 2.00:
Taking battery degradation (SoH) into account,
Range vs. Time Graph
20.09.19 |
4.56 1.11 |
- evCalc:
integration of chargeCalc - Link to chargeCalc presets the
- chargeCalc:
integration of evCalc - Link to evCalc presets the settings
14.09.19 |
1.00 |
- chargeCalc 1.1:
Graph for Range vs Time at Charging added
10.09.19 |
1.00 |
- chargeCalc 1.0:
Final Release - new service for calculating specific charge sessions
21.08.19 |
4.55 |
- evCalc: Bug fix
for sorting the benchtest according Charge Time and Travel Time,
Database Structure change
21.08.19 |
--- |
- Update Membership System V5.7
06.08.19 |
--- |
- evCalc:
5 Mio Trip Calculations
- eCalc: we
inserted the 10'000th motor to the most comprehensive database
on the web
10.07.19 |
4.54 |
- evCalc:
Settings: select benchtesting for current available cars only or
for all cars in the database, correct handling of recharging
with high SoC at Desitnation, bug-fix for Address-Serach on
Android showing next insted of go
09.06.19 |
4.53 |
- evCalc:
Charger Data Quality improved (null vlaue replaced by plan text
and estimates)
24.05.19 |
4.52 |
- evCalc:
full map functionality is back: Topography and route insertion
of charger
20.05.19 |
4.50 |
- evCalc:
change to Open Street Map
29.03.19 |
4.02 |
- evCalc:
automatic map centering if car symbole leaves the boundary of
the visible map.
(static = no map movement / center =
automatic centering)
25.03.19 |
4.00 |
- evCalc:
completly redesigned and new features...
Navigate through a
specific Charg Staion,
Charge Point Information updated, at origine and destination also
chargepoints (also below defined charge power limit) will be
shown within defined radius.
25.03.19 |
7.16 |
- eCalc Service
Update (Cursor Wait during Calculation, printing optimized)
23.03.19 |
--- |
more than 8 million visits since february 2010!
We are proud to welcome the 8th-millionst visit since counting
back in february 2010. Our community is constantly crowing....
Thanks to all for supporting
eCalc. |
16.03.19 |
-- |
- evCalc:
evCalc allready calculated 1 Million Trips for electric Vehicles
for range simulation
23.02.19 |
3.11 |
- evCalc:
Charge Point details with numbers of stalls and plugs, color
coded charge points
10.02.19 |
3.10 |
- evCalc:
Electric Car Overview for selection
31.12.18 |
3.02 |
- evCalc:
Indication of region where a recharging is expected according
charging strategy, Result Table with reduced Column on small
devices for better overview.
24.12.18 |
3.00 |
- evCalc:
Indication of Charging Points along your Route
03.12.18 |
7.15 |
- eCalc Service
Update V7.15
- propCalc:
considering zero thrust speed is byond pitch speed due prop
- setupFinder:
share function added
- xcopterCalc: max.
speed calculation and range model improved, accessory allows
negative amp draw to simulate solar panels for prolonge flight
03.12.18 |
2.20 |
- evCalc:
Indication of the Econ Speed - best energy-speed-ratio, TCO and
CO2 Analysis Sheet
06.11.18 |
2.11 |
- evCalc: User
Statement inserted
04.11.18 |
--- |
- Update Membership System V5.6
31.10.18 |
2.10 |
- evCalc: Route
Designer integrated, Service Update (additional BMS Value «on -
very hight» for cold soaked batteries)
23.06.18 |
2.03 |
- evCalc: Service
Update (Titel inclueds car name)
14.08.18 |
1.12 |
23.06.18 |
2.02 |
- evCalc: Bug fix
for Roll-Resistance scale
20.06.18 |
7.111 |
- Bug fix for Chrome Ads blocker does not allow dialog box
04.06.18 |
2.00 |
- evCalc: now with
cross-brand benchmarking
03.06.18 |
7.11b |
- xcopterCalc: no
more calculation resriction for Race Copter with a propeller
diameter of 6.5" or less. However, accuracy byond a
Diameter-Pitch-Ratio of more than 0.667 decreases.
27.05.18 |
--- |
more than 7 million visits since february 2010!
We are proud to welcome the 7th-millionst visit since counting
back in february 2010. Our community is constantly crowing....
Thanks to all for supporting
eCalc. |
06.06.17 |
--- |
more than 6 million visits since february 2010!
We are proud to welcome the 6th-millionst visit since counting
back in february 2010. Our community is constantly crowing....
Thanks to all for supporting
eCalc. |
30.06.16 |
--- |
more than 5 million visits since february 2010!
We are proud to welcome the 5th-millionst visit since counting
back in february 2010. Our community is constantly crowing....
Thanks to all for supporting
eCalc. |
16.08.15 |
--.-- |
more than 4 million visits since february 2010!
We are proud to welcome the four-millionst visit since counting
back in february 2010. Our community is constantly crowing....
Thanks to all for supporting
eCalc. |
17.10.14 |
--.-- |
more than 3 million visits since february 2010!
We are proud to welcome the three-millionst visit since counting
back in february 2010. Our community is constantly crowing....
Thanks to all for supporting
eCalc. |
Mile Stones of
eCalc development: |
10.2023 |
- |
350 millions drive calculations - 13 mio visitors |
11.2022 |
- |
300 millions drive calculations |
03.2022 |
- |
250 millions drive calculations |
05.2021 |
- |
Introduction of w&bCalc
Weight and Balance Calculation to evaluate
actual CG and CG correction |
05.2021 |
- |
200 millions drive calculations |
04.2021 |
- |
Introduction of perfCalc
- Simulation of inflight perormance for fixed wing aircraft |
09.2020 |
- |
150 millions drive calculations |
09.2019 |
- |
Introduction of chargeCalc
- Charge Stop Simulation for (real) electric Cars |
08.2019 |
- |
Motor Database contains 10'000+ motors |
11.2018 |
- |
Motor Database contains 9000+ motors |
04.2018 |
- |
Introduction of evCalc
- Range Simulation for (real) electric Cars |
10.2017 |
7.1 |
Introduction of setupFinder
- easy find RC Airplane Drives Introduction of
torqueCalc - for industrial applications |
10.2016 |
- |
Introduction of cgCalc
- to verify Center of Gravity |
10.2016 |
- |
Introduction of wingDesigner
and xcopterDesigner |
04.2011 |
4.2 |
Introduction of xcopterCalc
- for RC muticopter |
03.2010 |
4.0 |
Introduction of heliCalc
- for RC helicopter |
09.2004 |
1.0 |
Introduction of
propCalc and
fanCalc - for RC electric
ducted fan jets |
06.2004 |
0.1 |
First Prototype
propCalc - for RC fixed
wing propeller airpane |